Here's how it's done. How pretty much ALL PUAs do it.
Step 1: Buy cheap camera.
Step 2: Find a girl and tell her that you're a "journalist" or that you "help men and women have more fulfilling relationships."
Step 3: Have girl agree to play along.
Step 4: Profit.
For dumber PUAs, there's this alternative:
Step 1: Buy cheap camera.
Step 2: Actually film genuine attempts.
Step 3: Cut the 20-30 failed attempts.
Step 4: Showcase the 1 lucky win.
Step 5: Profit.
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What video did you watch? We going to showcase blowouts, not hide them lol.
Typical pua hater...
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I put it up like 3 mintues before posting here...
Wow you pua haters look for any excuse to say pussy shit lol.
As far as I know, Gigsaw is the first PUA to ever be filmed going in for a day game makeout after just meeting the girl 2 minutes prior. Gigsaw truly has no AA, and one of the best in the scene right now.
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there are hundreds of vids like that
there's one of a bald guy who dances with a pretty girl outside mcdonalds then kisses her at the end
And wasn't Gigsaw the faggot voice gentleman who said he wanted to bang some FOB chick's head against a toilet bowl while fucking her?
He should watch out if he ever goes back to Vietnam, the folks there might beat the shit out of him over a few hours, then force him to drink his own urine at gunpoint.
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Looks like Adam Lambert has actually took the time to listen to the J The Ripper Show....lol youre a closet community fag after all. What were u doing listening to my show?
sounds like a rip off my idea, first try fridays. one shot one venue, unedited. from when the PUA shows up until he closes uses their respective method. Of course the person will probably be a hooker or be in on the scam, but they'll get some good money out of it.
Im pretty sure if you use the same method to get attention from people which is,talk down to them & insult them, that you always use then it'll be another hit.
In the meantime I hope the girls don't see the recordings, with it being illegal and all:
Ten bucks for the first person to alert one of the girls in the videos and have her get the video removed.
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Unfortunatley your statements dont mean shit considering I made you my bitch on podcastlol ep #5. Even Bropac and Mr Mr right and Superjoint admit you came off as weak and pathetic. You being my bitch is your life claim to fame, not SeenStars or whatever else you accomplish in life.
Lucifer and Giovanne Rodriguez = J The Rippers bitch.
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Listen all you stupid scared faggots...stop being a bitch and start going out and meeting girls and fixing your shit...each minute youre getting older, the time to act is now...listen to my latest show, it'll change your life I swear. Dont be a Giovanne bragging to his warehouse friends he works at a club, yet fails to mention its Menage in Pasadena, a well known gentlemans gay venue.
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LOL nice comeback. Reality check, you will forever be known as my bitch, its your highest achievement in life. And thats just basically awesome. You just admitted you listen to my show, or else why would you state I changed my format? My biggest bitch not only dwells in the infamy of being my bitch, but you also listen to my show and hang on my every word...LOL, kinda flattering knowing I own you.
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proof please.
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I do not listen to your show, I only read the idiotic show notes you so proudly spam like a retarded man masturbating all over public areas.
But can you answer me a question, since you've done podcasts for so long. How is it that 90% of PUAs out there have weak girly voices, such as yourself?
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too much negativity as deeper(inside his asshole) game would say...
but seriously, not alot of people really has the balls to do anything in life. hence this website.... i agree with ripper.
i thought episode 5 was pretty balanced, i had a feeling if lucifer had a better mic, he would've sounded better.